Membership in The Fredericton Society of Artists is open to anyone interested in the practice of painting or graphic arts, regardless of training, experience, or age. Creative individuality and originality are encouraged and FSA's activities seek to foster these aims.
Membership Info
The following list describes FSA's activities. Want to be involved? Come to a meeting and check us out. We would also be happy to answer any questions you may have by e-mail.
1. HELPFUL MONTHLY CRITIQUES of members' paintings, either completed or works in progress, by art professionals--painters, teachers, gallery personnel, material suppliers--as well as by fellow members.
2. EXHIBITIONS in the Spring and Fall. These are open to all paid-up members whose work meets the group's exhibit criteria (original, no class work or copies, no offensive subject matter). The members pay a small fee to exhibit and the FSA retains a nominal commission for all sales.
3. WORKSHOPS for members are frequently organized utilizing various professional artists and art teachers in our own area and beyond.
4. PERSONAL FSA WEBPAGE is offered (optional and at no additional cost) and can contain your bio, contact information and several images of your work.
5. PARTICIPATION IN OTHER ART EXHIBITIONS at the invitation of various organizations.
6. SOCIAL EVENTS such as the Christmas Party with Yankee Swap and the June Closing Dinner and Annual Meeting.
7. SPECIAL EVENTS such as the introduction of new products by suppliers or new art processes.
8. SPECIAL OPPORTUNITIES for members such as discounts from various art supply vendors.
If you think FSA is just what you have been looking for, you are invited to attend a meeting or two without obligation. This gives you a chance to "check us out", so to speak, before you decide to join. Come see us and enjoy the atmosphere and comaraderie.
Should you decide to join, you will be given a membership application form and will submit to the Treasurer your annual membership fee of $40.00. The application form, by the way, is your way of sharing such information as various painting media which you have used or studied, any special art education you have, exhibits or sales in which you have been involved, and finally your other interests and leadership experience. These are not requirements to join, but they do suggest how you may be involved in a special way if you desire. You will also receive a copy of the Constitution and By-laws, a copy of the current membership/phone list, and be welcomed as a new member of The Fredericton Society of Artists.
Our meetings are held from September to May on the fourth Tuesday of each month, with the exception of December. During the past few years, our meetings have been held at Old Government House. Meetings commence at 7:00 p.m. and the business portion generally runs for 30-45 minutes.
Following the business meeting, we usually have a guest speaker/critic who presents a topic and/or critiques the works which members have brought to the meeting. A social time sometimes follows.

All Payments: FSA will accept e-transfers for all dues, entries, etc. at