
Inspired during high school by an influential teacher, Paula Steffler's

interest in art redeveloped after the death of her parents in 2013.  Painting

allowed her to get lost in the moment. She became a student of Margaret

Bannister in watercolour at the Charlotte Street Art Centre for a couple of years. This inspired her to take art more seriously and she began to seek out further instruction in oil painting with Glenn Priestley. Her work has featured diverse subjects, from macroscopic views of natural objects to scenes of life in her childhood hometown of Waterloo Ontario. She developed a particular interest in portrait painting of animals and people.  It is in the fascination of painting a face and form that challenges her to capture the uniqueness of each character.

She likes to use her own photography as a source of inspiration as she has

already developed a relationship with the subject, surroundings, sights and


Just to paint is great fun!

She can be reached at or paulastefflerart.

"I think this heightened sense of observation of Nature is one of the chief delight that have come to me through trying to paint" - Winston Churchill


Paula Steffler

Fredericton, N.B.



Instragram:  paulastefflerart

Paula Steffler