After studying geology at University I have always enjoyed using color to enhance communication of ideas. In my spare time I took courses from local artists including Molly Lamb Bobak, Brigitte Toole, and Fred Ross. Recently I have enjoyed participating in FSA courses with Glenn Priestley and Marie Fox.
Painting, for me, is a lot about having the freedom to explore materials, colours and the work of other artists. Oil painting provides a large range of possible results and allows me to explore the techniques used historically.
I enjoy painting a variety of subject and in a number of styles; I paint portraits, abstract figures and landscapes.
Since retiring in 2015, I have been able to enjoy painting in a way I could not before. I have been able to study historical and contemporary art in detail as a docent in the Beaverbrook Art Gallery. This has expanded my knowledge of artists and stimulated an interest in their approach to the visual arts.
Lawrence Peters
835 Churchill Row, Apt. 12
Fredericton, NB, Canada, E3B 1R1
Telephone: 506-454-4185
Lawrence Peters