I was born in Washburn Maine, grew up in Fredericton, N.B. and became a Canadian citizen in 2009. My two beautiful daughters are my greatest supporters and my 4-year-old grandson is the light of my life. He loves to colour and draw! He’s also left handed, just like me. We are the only lefties on both sides of the family.
I attended Boyce Farmers Market in Fredericton, N.B. for three or more years where I sold commissioned hand-painted welcome signs with birds, deer, cats, dogs, roosters and scenery for homes and cottages. I painted paper towel holders to look like cats which were bought and taken all over the world—Australia, England, Scotland, Japan all across Canada and the US. I could not paint these fast enough!
With no formal training, basically self taught, I work with acrylics, painting anything and everything. Abstract art has piqued my interest with pour-painting and achieving very interesting results. Face-painting is another interest I have, painting childrens’ faces at daycares, events such as the Cat Show for The Chickadee Cat Club and for UNB students involved in Theatre New Brunswick.
I have always had a soft spot for animals, especially cats (their eyes are the window to their soul). I started drawing when I was ten years old. It was Halloween, I was in grade 4 and drew a spooky old house with the full moon rising behind it. My teacher posted it on the wall for all to see. I was so proud it inspired me to do more.
I retired from cooking in 2016, joined FSA, and am thrilled to be back painting full time again. I love doing custom work as I am always looking for something new to paint. Feedback and inquiries welcome.
Katherine Nightingale
8 Berry Lane
Rusagonis, NB, Canada, E3B 0V9
Telephone: 506-455-2677
Cell: 506-471-4400
E-mail: nitekat1953@gmail.com
Katherine Nightingale